Monday, March 8, 2010

A new goal?

It is hard to remember to post a blog and keep up with it all. But its been a while and I felt it might be time for an update. 

In Feb I had a wonderful trip out to CA to visit family and get away from some winter. It was absolutely grand and I couldn't have asked for better weather. It was wonderful to see the family and take some time to relax. 

While I was in CA,  I borrowed a GPS my brother had so I could track the walks I have been doing.  I have been walking pretty regular now for more than two months and I had always wondered, how far I am actually going.  I was surprised to see that I was making it about 2 miles. Not bad!  I also noticed maybe I wasn't feeling as challenged these days. Maybe it is time to up the ante. 

So I got myself an attachment for my ipod that tracks my distance.  Now I know how far I am going and how fast.  I have also started doing a run/walk combo.  I can't believe I am doing it but I am! 

So the next thing is to make a decision.  Do I sign up for a race?  I have almost reached a decision, but I am not quite there.  I really do not want to commit to something unless I KNOW I can do it.  And when i say do it I mean actually run the entire race.  My speed makes very little difference to me because honestly just running for any period of time is an absolute miracle. 

The other concern is making sure I know I can fit in the proper amount of trainng time.  I think I have the motiviation and drive now but I have not yet decided. So in the coming weeks I will make a desicion.  Am I a runner?  Can I run a 5k ?  Only time will tell.