Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Walking in Wonderland

Recently I had an unexpected injury and I popped a muscle in my calf.  I checked in with the doctor and she suggested taking a break from running for about 2 weeks.  Thankfully I was still able to get in some exercise using the elliptical at the gym but tonight I headed out for my first trek on the trail since the injury.   Sadly, this time period definitely affected my ability to run without becoming to winded so I mostly walked, but I can tell I should be able to hopefully get back to where I was in a week or so. 

It was a beautiful day today, cool but sunny and just right for being outdoors.  I decided to head out to a local forest preserve for my walk/run and found some delightful sights.  First, I encountered a beaver!  He was cute! I didn't see much of him but it was still a treat.  Spring has provided sprouts on all the trees, baby flowers popping out of the ground to reach the sun rays and the grass is pretty much green everywhere you look. 

One especially cool sight was some mushrooms I found, though they weren't where you might usually find them.  They were growing from a tree!  This is when I thought maybe I had visited Wonderland (only I could not find that rabbit with a vest on screaming "we're late for a very important date! ")  It was really cool to see these large mushrooms growing sideways out of the tree.  Thankfully I had my phone with me so take a look:

After I saw this I thought sure the Mad Hatter would come around the corner to offer me Tea.  Alas, he did not but maybe I will catch up with him next time  ;-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Dreaming of an Education

I have been thinking lately about how many things I would like to learn to do.  There is quite a list actually.  Take a look:

1. Learn to play golf
2. Learn how to keep this webpage looking the way I want it to without getting so frustrated I could scream
3. Learn to play guitar (i.e. learn web languages)
4. Learn how to do home improvement projects myself (mostly because I am annoyed about how much it costs to have others do them!)
5. Learn how to save money with coupons the way some amazing people do ( I went to the grocery store and got 6 bags of grocerys for 8 dollars - really?)
6. Learn to read music (it is just stupid that I don't know how to do this already)
7.Learn how to latin dance
8. Learn how to eat healthy meals without missing things like McDonalds, Pizza or The biggest Cold Stone Creamery ice cream you can get :-)
9. Learn what it takes to audition for a local musical play
10. Learn how to get up the courage to actually audtion for a musical play
11. Learn how to bake yummy deserts (hmmmm  - that may not work with #8)
12. Learn how to play tennis ( i don't get the scoring at all)

That is all I can think of tonight,  But I am sure there is more.

The problem is it seems all of these either take time or money.  I can't seem to figure out how to fit either one of those things in (especially the money part)  I am currently on plan for financial improvement and there is not much room for extras at all.  So ho hum, it stinks to think about all the things you want to learn and can't quite figure out how to fit them in.

The one thing I do know is that eventually I am going to fit some of these in. Like Tennis for example, I just bet if I really wanted to, surely I could get my mom to show me the ropes in Tennis. The only problem with that one is time. It is hard for us to ever have time to spend on something like this. 

Another would be Guitar.  Surely if I really tried I could learn to play the guitar just by practicing at home on my own.  Again time is part of the issure here and actually a second one is when it comes to things like this for me there is just no stubstitue for learning from someone.  I have found that I dont learn things well just by reading up on something. I need to be shown how it works etc, at least at the beginning. Which is really what I need, I need that beginning instructions to make sure I am holding the guitar right, hands right, strumming right etc etc. 

One day I should be able to fit all this stuff in.  I hope sooner than later.  Maybe I will keep you posted when I actually do :-)