I have been thinking about the Never Say Never saying often lately and have determined these are words to live by. I know that we tend to say never frequently as teenagers because everything you think or feel is soooo emphatic...... you feel like you will NEVER wear that outfit, you will NEVER be like your parents, you will NEVER go out with (insert appropriate boys name here). I am sure I said many of these myself. As I aged I hope that I became more aware of my "nevers" but even in my 20's I was planning everything you can imagine because I just knew it would NEVER turn out any other way. Two very prominent nevers have cropped up in my mind recently mostly because I used to feel very strongly about them. For many years I said I would NEVER live in Chicago......huh......well that didn't work it now did it! Then I also said I would NEVER have back surgery......again, not quite how it turned out. So I think what I have most learned, as I am reflecting on all my nevers, is that from now on the saying should be: Never say Never.....no I mean it really, Never-ever say Never! :-)
The Comeback
12 years ago
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