I have been up for an hour now already. All thanks to my lovely cat Duncan. You see he has a ritual of coming to me in the mornings for "love time" He usually needs about 10-15 min and then he is satisfied. Normally, he comes to me as I am waking up. But this morning he WOKE me up as the sun was just rising. I tried to push him away to let him know I needed another hour or so but he wasn't having it. He just kept coming back. I really do think it is cute but man I wish I could have slept more. Since my cat so graciously woke me out of my deep sleep it was apparent that coffee was in order. That brings me to another topic......Starbucks.
This one needs a new paragraph for sure. I am nearly 99% sure I am addicted to starbucks, specifically their cafe mochas. I went out at 6:15 this morning and got my starbucks and the first drink is just soooo good. This may sound a little crazy to go out that early and get it when I can just drink coffee at home. I agree that it is but this is nothing. This past winter when we were having such terrible amounts of snow, I woke up one morning and couldn't get the starbucks out of my head. The snow plows had barely made their rounds and I kept thinking just forget it and drink regular coffee. Couldn't do it. I hopped in my car (after some significant snow shoveling of the driveway) and drove like a snail to the starbucks (thankfully it isn't more than 2 miles away) I was very happy to find that they were in fact open and was even more happy when I took my first sip. My neighbor was out shoveling his walk when I returned. He saw what I had in my hand and just shook his head and laughed. Well, I least I gave someone a laugh!
The Comeback
12 years ago
I think I know just how you feel about a furry one disrupting your sleep. Mine isn't asking for loving, though, he's usually growling because I've moved.
You know, you may have to consider Starbucks detox...
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